Agave americana Plant Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

Agave americana Plant Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

The Agave americana Plant is also known as the Century plant, and in Urdu Walayti ktala. Find out its medicinal uses, benefits, how to identify and grow it, and its traditional and international uses.

Agave Americana Plant Overview

Botanical NameAgave americana
English NameCentury plant
Urdu NameWalayti ktala
Common NameAmerican Aloe, American Century Plant, Century Plant, Mexican Soap Plant
HabitPerennial sub shrub
Part UsedPerennial sub-shrub
Medicinal PlantsExplore

Agave Americana Plant

The Agave americana plant is a large, succulent perennial, rhizomatous, ornamental arborescent plant, up to 6 m high. Spines present; associated with leaves (on margins and apex). Leaves, forming a basal rosette, alternate, spiral, simple, sheathing, and sessile.

Leaf blade un dissected, ovate (lanceolate), base with a persistent basal meristem, margins prickly, apex acute. Flowers are in umbels or in panicles, predominantly yellow, regular and pedicellate. Fruit is dehiscent, a capsule (oblong), non-fleshy.

Distribution of Agave Americana

Native to Northern America. It is naturalized in the Mediterranean regions. Naturalized or occasional escape or cultivated in Australia and Pakistan.

Medicinal Uses of Agave Americana

Folk use

An infusion of finely chopped leaves is used for cleansing the blood and as a tonic for falling hair. Sap of leaves is used internally for wound healing, inflammations diarrhea, and dysentery, etc. The Decoction of leaves is also used as a wash for general eye problems. Juice of the leaves is applied to bruises.

Tib (Traditional Islamic Medicine) Uses

Powdered from plants is used for anemia, kidney diseases, and liver problems. The Agave plant is used in the internal treatment of indigestion, flatulence, constipation, jaundice, and dysentery. After soaking the fibers for a day, it can be used as a scalp disinfectant and hair loss tonic. A paste made from the roots and leaves is used to treat toothache.

International use

It is used as an antiseptic; laxative, miscellany, and odontalgic diaphoretic and diuretic. The steroid drug precursors are obtained from the leaves of the Agave plant. Fresh juice is used by South Americans to regulate the action of the bowels and kidneys and is considered very valuable for dyspepsia and diseases of the bladder. The South American women use the juice and the decoction to promote menstruation. It is recommended at times for pulmonary tuberculosis, diseased liver, and jaundice.

Culinary use

The Century plant is rich in saccharine matter and can be eaten when baked. Flower stalks roasted are edible. Flowers and leaves are also edible.

Constituents of The Agave Americana

It contains homoisoflavonoids, 7-hydroxy-3-(4-ethoxybenzyl)-chroman, together with known compounds 7-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxybenzyl)- chroman-4-one,5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-methoxybenzyl)-chroman-4-one, cantalasaponin-1, and 2-hydroxy-butanedioic acid-1-methyl ester.

Climate and Growth Conditions

  • Climate: Alpine and Mediterranean regions.
  • Temperature: Max: 35°C, Min:-5°C
  • Rainfall: 500-2500 mm/year
  • Soil: The plant prefers light sandy and medium loamy and well-drained soil.
  • рН Range: 5.6-6.5
  • Reproduction: By seed


What is Agave Americana used for?

Agave americana is used for making rope, fabric, and medicine. The leaves of Agave have sharp points, so they’re also used as a natural fence.

Is Agave Americana same as aloe vera?

No, Agave americana and aloe vera plant are different plants. They both have thick, fleshy leaves, but they belong to different families.

Is tequila made from Agave Americana?

No, tequila is made from a different type of agave called Agave tequilana. Agave americana is not used for making tequila.

What is a fun fact about Agave Americana?

Agave americana can live up to 100 years in the wild. It’ is a very slow growing plant.

What is special about agave?

Agave plants can store water in their leaves, so they can survive for a long time without rain. This makes them very drought-tolerant.

What is the myth of the agave plant?

The agave plant is created by God to provide food, and shelter, for humans. It’s considered a sacred plant in some cultures.

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