Cannabis Sativa (Hemp plant) Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

Cannabis Sativa (Hemp plant) Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

Cannabis sativa Plant is also known as the Hemp plant, Cannabis, Hemp, Indian hemp, Marihuana, and in Urdu Bhang, Qanb. Find out its medicinal uses, benefits, how to identify and grow it, and its traditional and international uses.

Cannabis Sativa Plant Overview

Botanical NameCannabis sativa
English NameHemp plant
Urdu NameBhang, Qanb
Common NameCannabis, Hemp, Indian hemp, Marihuana
HabitAnnual herb
Part UsedWhole plant
Medicinal PlantsExplore

Cannabis Sativa (Hemp Plant)

Cannabis sativa is an erect plant; stems variable, up to 5 m tall, with resinous pubescence, angular, sometimes hollow, especially above the first pairs of true leaves; basal leaves opposite, the upper leaves alternate, stipulate, long petiolate, palmate, lanceolate, serrate, acuminate leaflets up to 10 cm long, 1.5 cm broad; flowers monoecious or dioecious, the male in axillary and terminal panicles, apetalous, the female flowers germinate in the axils and terminally, with one 1-ovulate ovary; fruit a brown, shining achene.

Distribution of Cannabis Sativa Plant

Cannabis sativa plant is Native to Central Asia and has long been cultivated in Asia, Europe, and China. It is also grown in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Pakistan.

Medicinal Uses of Cannabis Sativa Plant

Folk Use

The seed, either as a paste or as an unguent, is said to be a folk remedy for tumors and cancerous ulcers. The decoction of the root is said to be a remedy hard tumors and knots in the joints. Extract of leaves is used to treat coughs, diarrhea toothache and fever. It is used externally as a poultice for corns, sores and gout.

Tib (Traditional Islamic Medicine) Uses

The hemp plant is used to treat constipation caused by debility or fluid retention. The principal uses of the Hemp plant are as a pain-killer and sleep-inducer. It also lowers eye pressure to ease glaucoma symptoms.

Culinary Use

The flowers can be smoked, eaten or brewed into tea. Seeds are edible raw or cooked. It can be consumed as a condiment or transformed into cakes and fried. This highly nutritious edible oil, abundant in essential fatty acids, is derived from the seed.

International Use

The whole Hemp (Cannabis sativa) plant is use as tonic, intoxicant, stomachic, antispasmodic, analgesic, narcotic, sedative and anodyne, anthelmintic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antiperiodic, cholagogue, and hypnotic, hypotensive and laxative. Seeds and leaves are used to treat old cancer and tumors. Extract of leaves is used to treat the anthrax, asthma, blood poisoning, bronchitis, burns, catarrh, childbirth, dysentery, dysmenorrheal.

Constituents of Hemp Plant

Hemp Plant contains cannabinol and cannabinin, cannabidiol, cannabol and cannabinol, alcohols and phenolic compounds, beta-carotene equivalent, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, glycocol, alanine, valine and leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, serine, cystine, iarrhe, oxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tryptophane and arginine, lysine, and histidine.

Climate and Growth Conditions

  • Temperature: Max: 27°C, Min: 6 °C
  • Climate: Tropical and Temperate regions.
  • Rainfall: 1100-1500 mm/year
  • Soil: Plant require, fertile, neutral to slightly alkaline, well-drained silt or clay loams with moisture retentive subsoils.
  • pH Range: 4.5 8.2
  • Reproduction: By seeds


What is cannabis sativa used for?

Cannabis Sativa is utilized for therapeutic reasons, such as alleviating discomfort, diminishing swelling, and aiding in stress management.

Is cannabis sativa strong?

The potency of Cannabis Sativa varies based on the quantity and quality. It contains THC, which impacts both the mental and physical systems.

What is the common name for cannabis sativa?

Familiar names for Cannabis Sativa are Marijuana, Weed, and Hemp (though Hemp typically denotes a specific strain of Cannabis Sativa with minimal THC content).

What is hemp called in India?

In India, hemp is often called “Bhang” or “Charas”. But Bhang usually means a mix of the leaves and flowers, while Charas is a super concentrated version.

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