Indian Shot Plant (Canna indica) Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

Indian Shot (Canna indica) Plant Medicinal Uses, And Benefits

The Indian shot plant is also known as Canna indica, African arrowroot, edible canna, purple arrowroot, and in Urdu Hakik plant. Find out its medicinal uses, benefits, how to identify and grow it, and its traditional and international uses.

Indian Shot Plant Overview

Botanical NameCanna indica
English NameIndian shot
Urdu NameHakik
Common NameIndian shot, African arrowroot, edible canna, purple arrowroot
HabitPerennial Herb
Part UsedFruit, Rhizome, Leaves and Flowers
Medicinal PlantsExplore

Indian Shot (Canna indica) Plant

Indian shot plant (Canna indica) is a perennial growing from 0.5 2.5m, depending on the variety. Leaves sheath glabrous, blade narrowly ovate, base obtuse to narrowlycuneate, apex shortly acuminate to acute, abaxially and adaxially glabrous.

Inflorescences; racemes, sometimes branched, bearing 1-2 flowered cincinni, 6-20 per inflorescence. Flowers are hermaphrodite red to yellow-orange, never pure yellow. Capsules ellipsoid to nearly globose. Rhizomes are fleshy. Seeds black, globose to nearly globose.

Distribution of Indian Shot Plant

Native to Caribbean and tropical America. It is also grown in American Samoa, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Iraq, Kurdistan, Mexico, Turkey, New Zealand and Pakistan.

Medicinal Uses of Indian Shot Plant

Folk use

The Indian shot plant (Canna indica) is used in the treatment of women’s complaints. A decoction of the root with fermented rice is used in the treatment of gonorrhea and amenorrhea, rapid resolution to fever. Dried leaves are simmered for several hours in water and Egyptian oil, i.e. a mixture of olive oil, peanut oil, sassafras oil and pine needle oil, and use to treat the various skin problems. The freshly expressed juice mixed with water is said to be a good antidote, taken internally, for vegetable poison such as savanna.

Tib (Traditional Islamic Medicine) Uses

Uses of Indian shot plant to cure a skin conditions including psoriasis, skin cancer, fingernail and toenail fungus, discolored moles and scarring. The extract and the extracted residue produced are efficacious in the treatment of some skin conditions. The extracted leaves are dried and ground and then placed in gelatin capsules to be taken orally to also treat a wide range of ailments.

International Uses of Indian Shot Plant

The Indian shot plant (Canna indica) is considered to be demulcent, diaphoretic and diuretic Leaf and flower are used in eye treatments. Leaf and shoot are used in liver disorder etc. Leaf shoot and rhizome act as febrifuges. Rhizome is used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery; dropsy, swellings, edema, gout; kidneys, diuretics, menstrual cycle, vermifuges. Shoot medicines generally promote healing. Shoot and seed medicines act as pain- killers and are used in the treatment of naso-pharyngeal affections. It is also be useful in treating spider veins and varicose veins, chronic diarrhea, chronic sinus problems.

Culinary Uses

Arrowroot is often used simple in the form of pudding. Root & tubers when cooked is edible. Canna indica plant has an edible fruit. The large rootstocks are full of edible starch. The younger parts of Canna indica plants may be finely chopped and then boiled or pulverized into a meal.

Constituents of The Indian Shot Plant

Indian shot plant contains traces of alkaloids, fat, albumen, sugar, ash gum and starch, steroid containing beta-unsaturated, 5 member lectone rings. This new compound is named cannagenin.

Climate and Growth Conditions

Climate: Temperate and Subtropical regions.

  • Temperature: Max: 40°C, Min: -5°C
  • Rainfall: 1000-1500 mm/year
  • Soil: The plant prefers light sandy, medium loamy, heavy clay and well-drained soil.
  • pH Range: 6.1-7.5
  • Reproduction: Propagates by seed and rhizomes.


What is canna used for?

Cannas are frequently used as decorative flowers in gardens because of their huge, colorful flowers. They can also be utilized for soil stabilization and sometimes in water treatment.

Are cannas edible?

yes, a few elements of the canna plant are safe to eat. The rhizomes (underground stems) can be prepared and eaten. they may be improved in starch.

How tall is a canna indica?

Canna indica can grow from 3 to 6 feet tall, depending on the growing situation.

What is the habit of Canna Indica?

Canna indica has a sturdy increase habit with big leaves and tall flower stalks. It spreads through underground stems known as rhizomes.

What is the use of canna indica?

Canna indica is normally used for ornamental functions in gardens. Its rhizomes also are used as a mealtime supply in some cultures, and the plant can be used in water purification.

Can you eat canna indica?

Sure, the rhizomes of Canna indica can be consumed after cooking. They are a dependable source of starch.

What is the use of Canna indica in water treatment?

Canna indica can help clean water through its roots by absorbing pollution and vitamins. It’s often utilized in constructed wetlands to treat wastewater.

Is Canna indica an indoor plant?

Canna indica is generally grown outside because it requires a whole lot of sunlight and area to develop properly. but it may be grown inside if it receives enough mild and area.

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